The benefits of investing in health and safety training for your employees at your work place

by adrijadey on July 25, 2012

  • SumoMe

As a business owner, you juggle many costs from day to day, but work accident claims shouldn’t be one of them. If you have an employee who is seriously injured on the job and files a claim, your worker’s compensation premium can skyrocket before you even have a chance to explain to your insurer what happened.

But there is an easy solution to this challenge. Investing in safety training for your employees can ensure that you continue to have a safe and enjoyable work environment. You should not only do a beginner’s safety training but also “refresher” courses every month or so to ensure that your team gets the message. Here are other ways that safety training can improve your overall workplace.

Key benefits of health and safety training

It is an investment in your staff. Your employees are the only assets that are absolutely irreplaceable. You need healthy, happy workers for the growth of your business, and investing time in safety training is a vital part of this picture. Not only does encouraging safe practices increase worker productivity and reduce the likelihood that you’ll have to pay work accident claims, but it also reinforces the relationship that you have fostered with your staff and lets them know that they are valued.

It reduces time lost. The last thing your business needs is to lose a key team member due to time taken off because of an accident. This can have a ripple effect throughout the entire staff, meaning that you will experience an overall slowdown in production and lowered confidence. All of these effects mean that you will have less output, which also reduces your business’s potential to bring in revenue.

It boosts morale and encourages teamwork. Safety training is primarily about learning how to identify and then eliminate obstacles or hazards. However, another part of safety training is actually teaching employees how to look out for the safety of others, as well as their own safety. You could reinforce this concept with a monthly recognition program for employees with safe work habits. This is a chance to build upon the community spirit in your workplace.

It saves you money. In addition to genuinely caring about the health of his or her employees, every good business owner should also focus on the bottom line. This is perhaps the most important reason that you should invest in safety training; you can prevent accident claims and save yourself a higher insurance premium in the end. You want to maintain an excellent safety record so that you can keep down all of the costs associated with running your business.

Investing in safety training doesn’t have to be expensive, but consider this: every penny that you pay for training equals many more that you won’t have to pay in accident insurance. And the more entertaining, helpful, and comprehensive your employee safety training program is, the more likely you will be able to keep work accident solicitors away from your business.

  • Business Owner

    Well said! It’s a shame that health and safety is sometimes neglected by employers who see it as a waste of time. Invest in the appropriate training and you’ll save money in the long run.

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